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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lady Van Johan Band

LADY VAN JOHAN” which means LADY that one of the personnel is a lady, VAN in dutch means to have and JOHAN is collaborate from first letter in each name of our personnel, by that time. This band start on June, 07 2006 from two personnel Adhie and Hannie which they have had the same vision and same interest in music, so they agreed to established a group band. Our genre for our music is Disco Rock, that inspired such as The Cure, The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, The Bravery, The Strokes, The Vines, Interpol, The Police, New Order, Culture Club, Duran Duran and so on..

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Saturday, November 8, 2008


About Everybody Loves Irene

"Described as "wishful" and "organic," the haunting voice of Irene Yohanna has won praise from listeners around the world. Her time spent in a church choir might explain the heavenly vocals but soon it will be more than angels that recognize the immense talent of this 21-year-old. While these well-read individuals first came together in 1998, they are still shopping around for a label and hope to release their debut album some time in 2006. In the meantime, check out the sensation exclusively on iTunes." (Jason Tedjasukmana/Equinox DMD)


EVERYBODY LOVES IRENE was born in 1998. It all started with a band named Gooton, consisting Yudhi Arfani (guitar), Dimas Anindityo (bass), and Mulyadi Triharsono (drum) when they were only in junior high school! All three grew to become friends in the same scene that popped up several britpops gigs, popular in Jakarta at that time. However, the band went without permanent vocalist, until they met Irene Yohana then the story begins. (more here)


1. Album On Second Thought, I Might Wanna Change Some Things (August 2008)
* distributed by demajors
2. Single Love Is so Strange (demo)
Half Dreaming (Compilation, Quince Records/JAPAN,2008)
3. Album The Very First Thing You Must Learn About Flying is Gravity (December 2006)
* distributed by demajors
4. Singles Memento Mori & re-EVOLution
Appear on 2 episodes of Dunia Tanpa Koma (DTK) TV series (Sinem@rt)
5. Single Uncertainty Anxiety
Electro Zone - Volume 1 (France/2007)
6. Demo self-titled
MP3 (internet released November 2005
7. Single Crop Circle Me (demo)
From Gerbang 13 soundtrack compilation
Cassette (dErecords March 2005)
8. Single Hate Sunday (demo)
From Deathrockstar Family Sampler compilation
CD (Deathrockstar webzine Bandung/November 2004)
9. Single Try Try Try (demo)
From Brontak: Chapter 01 compilation
Cassette (Brontak Webzine Medan/October 2004)
10. Mini album Uncertainty, Anxiety, and All the Sorrow in this World
CD (self-released Jakarta/September 2004)

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Gamelan oiNK

Unpolite, Unclean, & Unskill bastard who walk against this world since 1998! Disfuckgraphy: Together As One (v/a) 2001 Cherry Records Our Own Way (e.p) 2002 Cherry Records Patriot City Punk Rock (L/P) 2005 Toxic Noise Records Together For Have Fun (v/a) 2006 Warjay Records Total Fuckin' Pogo (v/a) 2006 Stay Punk Records Patriot City Punk Rock (L/P) 2006 Re-release Movement Records Terakreditasi (v/a) 2007 Lovely Crew Music

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The Bolong

The pierced, Band was born in 1997, grunge band origin previously named this Jakarta Premature who dismissed because there are no matches with drummernya the premature disperse, and when it met with the Shiloh and pierced the position of Edy on Bass, Egy - guitar, and Shiloh Drum on at that time. The name is taken precisely because of a training Shiloh never solve snare drum to continue their air also wear pants like jeans pierced! my name is the name of a perforated Wave Band this one.

Departure from lagu2 Silverchair, Foo Fighters, Ramones, they started to play much in the stage-based grunge music. After a long song, telling foreign bands, eventually they fully intend to bring the songs themselves, and they began to create 1 for the 1 song and album bertitle eventually dirilislah expression of their first album and continue with the various compilation albums and second VEXATION.

In the album VEXATION position in the bass content by Tono, who previously also become our Road Manager and in 2005 Tono officially resign.

Until 2008, this air even aged 11 years and the current line-up only and Shiloh Egy course, a trip for a long struggle that we still can receive and still hold the world's exis The music indiependent. The end of 2008 if there is no blockage, we will release the album to please 3 piano. Amieen

the bolong are:

Silo: Drummer & Egy : Guitar/Vocal
Additional Bass : Samid

- oi..oi...oi ( Mini Album ) 1999
- EXPRESSION - LP Album 2000
- Outskirt PUNX & SKINS "SMASH THE BACK COMPILATION - No Label Records 2000
- Promo Tape "FUCK YOU" 2001
- Kompilasi Noise and Raw Indonesia "GRUNGEE JUMPING" - Rabun Otak Records 2002
- FREE STYLE 4 "When The Race is Over" - No Label Records 2003
- TOTAL FEEDBACK GRUNGE COMPILATION Vol.01- No Label Records 2003 and
- SCUM OF GRUNGE SOCIETY - Sampah Project 2003
- VEXATION – Mini Album 2004
- TOTAL FEEDBACK GRUNGE COMPILATION Vol.02 - No Label Records 2004 and
- TOTAL FEEDBACK GRUNGE COMPILATION Vol.03&04 - No Label Records 2006


Tlp: 0818-07204919 (Egy)

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