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Friday, February 6, 2009

Advertise with us

Advertise with us

Looking for some highly targeted exposure to your business? Advertising on Indonesian independent music might be just what you need. We offer several different ways to build your brand and get your message to our large and loyal readership. Ad buys are sold on 30-day periods using the PayPal subscription service. Ads will auto renew every 30 days unless you cancel the subscription.

Option #1 - 125×125 Button Sponsorship $10/month

The 125×125 button appears on every page above the fold on the right-hand side under the heading “Sponsors”. Pricing is $10 per month per button. Only six spots are available. The button can not be bigger than 15K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.

If you’re interested in securing a 125×125 button sponsorship, Email your ad to and we sent you the payment method.

Option #2 - 468×60 Banner Sponsorship $25/month

The 468×60 banner appears on individual posts before the comments section. Price per month is $25 per month. The banner can not be bigger than 25K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.

If you’re interested in securing a 468×60 banner sponsorship, Email your ad to and we sent you the payment method.

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