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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Media Distorsi

About Media Distorsi

Media Distorsi was formed in Jakarta,Indonesia in the year 2001. Some people have thought that this is the reincarnation of FSOP and Liquid, which both are known as the mother of Media Distorsi. But actually Media Distorsi is completely fresh and brand new, and has a totally different point of view from the other two bands mentioned before.

Media Distorsi gives idealism, honesty, and also attitude, which are showed in the album Chapter01: The Beggining. And in the album, Media Distorsi does not only perform one specific genre of electronic music [drum n bass, trance, jungle, etc.] because they think by separating its genre can affect the process of creation in making the music. And so Media Distorsi has decided and chosen the word ELECTRONICA to describe their music.

Distorsi1 a.k.a Agus Sasongko [programmer and mixman] and Distorsi2 a.k.a Indra7 [guitars, synth, DJ, and vocoder] are the mainbrain and motor of the band. In live sessions, they are also helped by additional players Maria Claudine [vocals] and Tommy Hendrawan [bass]. But of some reasons, Tommy has resigned and has been placed by Jerry.

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